Red Globe Grapes

Red Globe Grapes

HS Code 080610
Product Grapes
Variety Red Globe
Color: Ruby red / light maroon.
Other characters: : medium size , oval shaped seedless berries.
Sizes: 22-30
Available pack: 5 Kg Carton contains 8-9 plastic bags X 500 Gm.
5.5 kg Carton contains 10 punet X 500 Gm.
Availability: July till September
Shipping: Reefer Container & Air shipment.


Red Globe Grapes is the largest round red berries of all the red grapes grown. Red Globes are famous for their large berry size and excellent shelf life. Sweet and crunchy, great for fresh eating and also in salads. Most popular berries for export.
It is available starting by July till September.